Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Smile Factory: Work at Disneyland

The Smile Factory: Work at Disneyland SELF-EXPERIENCE ON DISNEYLAND In general, this case shows the power of culture. It dominates how the Disneyland uses the culture to manage the employees’ behavior in the part. So that they can produce the products, the joyful experience in the journey on Disneyland. My own experience to Disneyland is that it provides the Care, the Warm Welcome and the feel of being in a fancy world since you are entering into Disneyland. Or we might say, it’s anywhere and anytime.The Disneyland, it’s like a factory associated with standard procedure to provide a wonderful journey to its customers through different product lines. ANALYSIS 1. The key elements of Disney’s culture: In general, marshal the will to meet and perhaps exceed customer expectations. That is, providing smiles to customers who are visiting the park. And the most important is to let customers feel the smile provided by Disneyland. Disney enhances its culture through : )Pre-hired training in Disney University; On the job training and self-motivated, monitoring and helping each other on the daily work; b)Create a standard guideline for all employees to follow up and encourage a internal competition for a higher level symbolic position. Create a small society in the park and set up a work culture that leaves little room for individual experimentation. c)Not only to entertain customers but also to make its employee feel happy when working in Disneyland. )Though not all the employees can match the guideline of being nice but still it reach quite a good position to provide a good feel to customers. 2. The role that the culture plays in Disney’s success in satisfying their customers: The culture is like kind of compass. As Bill Ross, a Disneyland executive put it: â€Å"Although we focus our attention on profit and loss, day-in and day-out we can not lose sight of the fact that this is a feeling business and we make our profits from that. â₠¬  This make Disney to set up rocedure and guideline on each position very detailed. By do so, Disney will then able to satisfy their customers successfully. 3. I have worked with Maersk Line, a world’s leading container shipping company with its head office located in Copenhagen, Denmark. This company’s culture, the Blue Dragon is â€Å"cult-like† in the way described by Collins and Porras. This brings good as well as bad attitude to the organization. On one side it creates a strong cohesiveness in the organization.Everyone is proud to be one of the members of Maersk Line. They are thinking that their blood is BLUE. But on the other side it makes the employees of this company to be a bit arrogant to insiders as well as outsiders. It makes employees to compete with each other and over tough to outsiders such as customers and suppliers. The culture has brought a big trouble to Maersk Line during the financial crisis worldwide. That is not willing to change and s low in action. Finally Maersk Line made a huge loss.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Famine, Affluence and Morality Essay

The essay will be presented by means of giving a brief explanation on the argument of Singer that giving charity is, to some degree, obligatory. After a detailed yet concise explanation of the same, an exploratory presentation will be given on account of the claim whether or not the number of people who give can affect how much a person is obliged to give. The gist of Singer’s argument that giving charity is obligatory is founded on practical and moral grounds. First, the basic mantra that no one is an island proves to be true in all occasions and at all times. As applied to the existence of world governments, the international arena nowadays is viewed as global society. All countries are viewed as part of one’s political philosophy thereby formulating and implementing foreign policy of nations. Thus, a country may get involved of what is happening in other parts of the world. There is no doubt that some countries of the other side of the globe are not in good condition. Famine, pestilences, extreme poverty and calamities brought about by man or by nature exist that affect a large number of people. As Singer argued, the suffering and death of other people are not inevitable and not unavoidable. Therefore, there is hope that those people that are considered victims of the aforementioned catastrophes can be saved and comforted in order to survive. In matters of moral standards, it is proper to help those who are in need, may it be private and public in manner. In other words, private citizens who are in the position to help those countries that are plagued with myriad calamities can do the same and at the same time, the government can formulate and implement laws that give aids for such victims of natural and man-made calamities. In addition, it is also practical to help those who are in need in times of difficulties since man by nature is logical and reasonable. Man can choose between what is good and evil and most likely, helping others is a natural act. On the point of view of countries, Singer pointed out that it is not beyond the capacity of the richer nations to give enough assistance to lessen any further suffering to very small proportions. Wealthy countries hold the power to help poor nations since they are able to do so. It is up to these countries if they would give financial, technological and material aid. But if it is in the power of richer nations to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, they should, based on moral grounds, do the same. People are obliged to help not because they need to, but because they have the capabilities to do so and their conscience counts a lot knowing that countries who are suffering myriad dilemmas are not unknown in the international community. Moreover, giving charity is obligatory since those who are capable to do so are looked upon by others that cannot possibly share their scant resources. Yet, no matter how we rationalize our willingness to help is of no moment on the fact that some people are dying everyday in some countries of which they could have lived if not for our selfish interests and motives. What Singer is trying to convey is that since it is within the power of a rich nation to help poor countries, there should be no reason not to help. On account of the claim on whether or not c, the arguments of Singer provided more on the negative. This is because what Singer wants to convey is that all people who has the capabilities to contribute for those who are in need must give as much as they can without affecting their own needs for the reason that more people are in need everyday. It is the safest way to help other people for we are not sure that all people who could afford to contribute charity would respond to the call to give. Hence, the number of people who give can not affect how much a person is obligated to give as charitable contribution. It is true that some people who can afford to give may not contribute much for the poor and the needy. However, Singer made it to the point that if people accept any principle of impartiality, universality, equality, or whatever it is, they cannot discriminate against someone merely because he is far away from them or that they are far away from him. With that, giving help is both voluntary and obligatory for the benefit of all people. If there will be less people who will give contribution, then there should be an increasing efforts to invite those who can afford to share their blessings. One has only to ask this question to see the absurdity of the view that numbers lessen obligation. As Singer emphasized, the question should be: should one consider less obligation to pull the drowning child out of the pond if on looking around one could see other people, no further away than where a person is who have also noticed the child but are doing nothing? In this case, Singer is telling us that helping others should be dependent on the presence of other people but what is important is no matter how other people would react to a given situation wherein help is needed, one should help as much as possible. It is always proper to give more than what is needed as long as available and no equally important needs could be affected. The more we can give, the more we can possibly help in a given situation. It does not matter if there are more people who contributed to a charitable institution as long as a particular person gave more help. Aside from that, the amount of help that we should give should not be dependent on the number of people who will give since there are increasing needs in the society. Those who are poor needs more help everyday and due to population increase their number will also increase. Imagine how chaotic a society is, that does not care to look at other people’s welfare. The responsibility of each one of us is to make sure that there are no individuals who are suffering from too much poverty if we really understood the meaning of moral and ethical standards. People cannot tolerate the presence of children who are homeless and parents who are jobless. Therefore, giving much for charitable institutions is a must, hence obligatory. The rules and regulations as well as the laws that the government implements are useless if there are poor people who are crying for relief just to survive from too much poverty. The help that people could give should not be limited to what is needed, but to how much one could contribute. Singer also argued that moral attitudes are shaped by the needs of society, and no doubt society needs people who will observe the rules that make social existence tolerable. However, the moral point of view requires us to look beyond the interests of our own society. While it is true that it is quiet inessential to help people outside one’s own society, it is also unacceptable that a society disregard the call for giving charity. Hence, the prevention of the starvation of millions of people outside our society must be considered at least as pressing as the upholding of property norms within our society. Moreover, the people knew what to do. If they require others in giving charity, they must think that it is up to these people on how they will follow the moral code since asking them to do so could be absurd. Helping others must be done on the people’s own free will under the guidance of moral philosophy and ethical principles. The message of Thomas Aquinas was even mentioned by Singer on account of the fact that as God do not intend men to suffer; sharing to others must be practiced without counting on who should give more or less to the poor and the needy. Thus, the purpose of God is to prevent misery such that those who have more in life must give something to the poor and the needy. The distribution of resources as mandated by law must not prevent the purpose to cater the needs of all people. In connection with that, the burden of proof of showing how their refusal will bring about governmental action is on those who refuse to give. Finally, giving privately is not enough, and that we ought to be campaigning actively for entirely new standards for both public and private contributions to famine relief. This means that constant campaigns to help other people in need do not prevent an individual to give more despite the fact that the number of people who gave contributions increased. To reiterate what Singer had argued, the strong version of which that required people to prevent bad things from happening unless in doing so they would be sacrificing something of comparable moral significance, does seem to require reducing their selves to the level of marginal utility. This claim for that matter is the correct one. Thus, the number of people who give cannot affect how much a person is obligated to give. People are free to give what they could afford for charitable circumstances.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Marketing and Hypermarkets Elf Urban

What is the perceptual map for the gas station companies in France (Elan, Elf, Total, and the hypermarkets)? What would be the two dimensions you would use to best describe the portfolio of brands that Total Group has in its market? Convenience Total-Bonjour Convenience Total-Bonjour Rural Elan Rural Elan Price Hypermarkets Elf Price Hypermarkets Elf Urban Hypermarkets Elf Urban Hypermarkets Elf I would use Convenience and price to describe the portfolio of brands. 2. Based on the perceptual map, propose a set of marketing actions, beyond those that have been mentioned, that should be used by Total brand.Use the 4Ps framework to propose these actions and link each action to the CVF framework. I would definitely sell cosmetics such as toothbrush, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, Lotion; In addition to phone cards; Moreover I would add a first aid section where customers could find temporary relieve from any minor physical discomfort. They link to the consumption process of the customer in the situational influences of the CVF. Consequently, Total could expand the partnership distribution with Elan and Elf considering how great they are doing with the French grocery retailer and bonjour.It would be great cost benefit with the consumption process of the CVF. 3. What are the things that may build utilitarian and hedonic value when customers go for a gas station? Describe how an Elf store might increase value in customers’ shopping experience. Things that may build utilitarian value are buying food to consume, getting gas, a car wash, putting air on tire, getting the car fixed. Things that may build hedonic value are price of gasoline or products, quality of the products, and having a reason to compare a preference for a personal brand immediately after purchase.Elf store may increase customer value by providing low prices compare to the other gas stations, accessibility and convenience is also a big factor, and making sure that each customer get a pleasant exper ience. 4. What are the marketing segments that each store is trying to cover? What are the fundamental benefits that consumers in each of those segments are seeking when choosing a gas station? Do you think Total Group has done a good job identifying market segments and appealing to these segments? Are some segments left unserved by Total? Elan covers the rural market segment where competition is less dense, which customers seek.Elf covers the price-sensitive segment, a suburban market in addition to hypermarkets where customers seek low price, fast service, and competitive location. Total covers the urban, convenience oriented market segment where customers seek higher product assortment, high performance gas, feelings of spaciousness and full range car services. So far, I think total is doing a great job identifying and appealing market segments. Yes, some segments have failed; the rural, convenience-oriented market, which would have brought less competition and raise revenues.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

In property valuation,how important is covenant strength and how is it Essay

In property valuation,how important is covenant strength and how is it reflected in valuation - Essay Example Determining the financial capabilities of tenants is important since it gives clear details about potential or existing tenant who can be an individual or a corporate. The credit worthiness of existing and potential tenants contributes to the value of a property. It is therefore an important factor in yield adjustments. Firstly determining the strength has great importance to property owners. According to Fishers model, return on investment is a reward for liquidity loss, risk assumed, and expected inflation (Norman, 2008). Property owners also consider covenant strength to be an important aspect of the housing industry. Property owners are investors in the housing industry and therefore they assume risks. In addition, the value of rent is subject to inflation considering the appreciation and depreciation of property value. The variable enables property owners to determine the possible income from their investment for a given period. Determining tenant’s financial abilities also enables the property owners to determine their expected income or possible losses. The proprietors also need to determine the value of their property at a given time. The strength therefore enables property owners to determine their yield with a high degree of accuracy. Properties are common form of security for loans due to their low liquidity. Lenders also consider covenant strength as an important factor on their business. The factor gives the reward of liquidity on a property (Norman, Alastair, & Nicky, 2011). It also gives the possible risks in constant inflation. These variables are important to lenders since they enable them to determine the credit worthiness of a property owner. The factors also enable lenders to determine the optimum capital that a given property can secure. Finally, lenders also need to determine the return on liquidity in case they need to recover their cash from a defaulter. In such cases, tenant’s financial position proves to be of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Philosophy Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy Midterm - Essay Example Deductive reasoning? (a) A deductive argument will claim to support the truth of the conclusion. It takes general facts and uses them to make specific claims. An inductive argument will use reasoning gathered from particular facts to come to the conclusion. (q) What is epistemology? (a) It is the study of the nature of knowledge. It is concerned with how knowledge is acquired and how it is justified. (q) What is Descartes’ cogito argument? (a) Cogito ergo sum—I think therefore I am. The cogito states because we think, we know that we exist, and that is the one thing that we are unable to doubt. (q) Purpose of evil demon? (a) The evil demon as a thought experiment is used to get to the cogito. Because we cannot prove that some evil demon exists that is tricking us into making us think that reality is in some way different than how it actually is, we do no know whether anything beyond ourselves or beyond our minds is actually true. (q) a prioro vs. a posteriori? (a) These are two different ways in which to justify claims. A priori uses reasoning and logical evidence , and a posteriori uses experience and empirical evidence. (q) Paley’s watchmaker argument? (a) Paley’s watchmaker argument is an argument for the proof of the existence of God from design. If we see something such as a watch, which has many intricate parts and which has obviously been designed, then we should be able to identify other objects which have also been designed. Paley states the human eye has many intricate parts that fit together and therefore should be considered to be designed, thus requiring a God-figure to serve as the designer of the eye. (q) Cosmological proof of God’s existence? (a) This argument states that there needed to be an original cause, that matter cannot create itself, that energy cannot create itself, and that there necessarily needs to be an original cause, an original

The impact of Information Technology on a career or profession of your Term Paper

The impact of Information Technology on a career or profession of your choice - Term Paper Example Industry leaders keep talking about ways to gain competitive edge and their action plan in this context invariably highlights the strategic value that Information Technology now holds for the industry. Information Technology has had very strong social, economic and professional impacts to an extent that it transformed everyone’s life from a student up to almost all the Heads of State. Healthcare – a socially relevant domain too has been impacted by the applications of Information Technology. In almost all the countries, the healthcare delivery system is facing unbending and intransigent issues. The key issue that the healthcare deliver systems worldwide face is: Uneven distribution and shortage of infrastructural and human resources at primary, secondary, tertiary and even super-speciality levels within a healthcare delivery system. This issue gives birth to disparity within the boundaries/same region. This disparity, at times, produces strange dynamics those have the p otential to create serious imbalances which are unique to each setting. The issues being faced by healthcare delivery systems are such that they not only highlight existing gaps but can also affect the utilisation of the resources available; such unyielding issues need extraordinary solutions. Information Technology through its highly promising applications is helping this one of the most significant parameter of human development to scale newer challenges (being raised because of ever increasing demands at the healthcare delivery systems, expectations of the beneficiaries), in order to improve efficiency of clinicians and enhance quality of life of the populace on the planet. It is worth mentioning that there are numerous applications of Information Technology and each of them is aimed at empowering all or at least one of the following stakeholders: healthcare delivery systems, clinicians and the patients alike. This research throws light on some of the cutting edge applications of Information Technology in this safety and security domain of medicine and it also includes the impact that these applications have made on the clinicians and paramedical personnel. Telemedicine (Sood, et al., 2007) is a flagship application of Information Technology in health that uses communications networks for delivery of healthcare services and medical education from one geographical location to another. Ranging from public health to surgery, telemedicine has found its roots in almost all the specialities of medicine and this is the reason that gradually telemedicine is merging with the delivery of mainstream healthcare services. Telesurgery and mHealth are two upcoming forms of telemedicine but they have already proved to be practically feasible, reliable, useful and safe. Both these forms of telemedicine can be practised in the modes of teleconsultation (between a doctor and a patient or between a general physician

Monday, August 26, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 16

Human Resource Management - Essay Example Given the significant changes in the demand of a company’s goods and services, the number of required employees also changes. Human resource management plays a crucial role over the success of implementing organizational downsizing. In the absence of human resource management, it would be difficult on the part of the human resource managers to effectively handle employees when organization change becomes inevitable. As part of the study of human resource management, human resource managers are encouraged to have competitive leadership and communication skills. Aside from providing the readers a list of recommended solutions on how to minimize and prevent the lost of business opportunities associated with the negative consequences of implementing organizational downsizing strategy, this study will discuss the importance of using transformational and authentic leadership style which are suitable when implementing organizational downsizing. As an end result of globalization, many businesses today are restructuring their organizational and business approach in order to keep the local firms competitive in the local and global market. (Business Week, 1997) One of the most common restructuring strategies that aim to increase the efficiency of a company is organizational downsizing. Although many firms have enjoyed the benefits from organizational downsizing in terms of increasing the profitability of the company by reducing its operational cost and making its operational process more efficient, it remains inevitable that most encounter internal problems related to its existing employees. Each organizational downsizing event could result to predictable outcomes in terms of having similar issues related to the feelings of betrayal, loss of trust in the management of the company, and experiencing internal conflicts between the corporate management and employees in line with retaining and losing their job. (Strom, 2008) As a result, the lack

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Arts & Creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arts & Creativity - Essay Example Painting is a one-time performance, any repeat performances are just copies. More often than not, it is an individual effort, and in rare cases a group effort that carries out a single person's instructions. There is no written way to express a painting like there are notes to a music or playwriting for a theater. Paintings do come from different from schools and movements, the proponents of which follow similar techniques of expression. The techniques of expression include the use of light, color and imagery. They also include the use of various mediums from water soluble to oil, to acrylic and a host of others as well as methods of wielding instruments like brushes, knives, fingers and many more. On the other hand the techniques that express music lie in the lyrics, the symphony, rhythm and the instruments or voices used to produce them. Lyrics are a straightforward way of conveying the concept, but even without them, music achieves universal communication, and conveys emotions irrespective of linguistic and cultural barriers. It claims the auditory senses, and from there goes on to move, inspire and titillate. It can be written down in notations, and performed repeatedly, even in different versions by different people at separate instances but still retains its originality. Theater as an art form is able to convey its message through dialog and plot as the primary instrument.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 21

Research Paper Example er, images of female beauty portrayed by most advertisement, communication, and interaction platforms, make women to adopt unhealthy living habits, as they strive to meet the over exaggerated standards of being beautiful. This trend has brought about research by various scholars into the effect of media on women’s view of beauty, pointing to reduced self-esteem, among other negative issues associated with unrealistic body images. This paper explores and critically analyzes existing scholarly evidence, showing the relationship that exists between media and the rise in women’s unhealthy habits like eating disorders, as they practice beauty. The subject bears a huge impact, given the pervasive nature of media and accompanying socio-cultural expectation of women to be symbols of physical perfection. Prior to analyzing the effect of media in shaping the beginning of female beauty and body image, it is important to first understand the meaning of this aspect. According to Luff and Gray (133), body image refers to â€Å"the inner representation of a person’s outer appearance.† This means that one’s body image is a reflection of both physical and abstract views about their appearance. These scholars also emphasize that body image is linked to the self-concept and self-esteem. For instance, a negative perception of one’s body image translates to highly reduced self-esteem and subsequent dissatisfaction with oneself. Body image is particularly of concern during adolescence and young adulthood, since it is in the course of this phase that individuals undergo numerous and rapid physical and mental changes that pave way for self-discovery. It is also during this important developmental stage that people, especially girls and young women become more vulnerable to external influence from peers and information sources like various forms of media. With coverage to media increasingly becoming prominent and provocative by day, body image is certainly a major topic of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Writer's choice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Writer's choice - Term Paper Example (Independence, n.d.) His father, a candle and soap maker, wanted Benjamin to become a clergyman. Because his father did not have enough money, Benjamin only went to school for a year, apprenticed under his father, and eventually apprenticed for his half-brother, James, who owned a printing shop. Benjamin loved to write, but he never got a chance to publish his work. It was during this time that he wrote the fourteen famous letters from Silence Dogood, a secret character Franklin created for himself. The letters were sent to James’ printing house and published in The New-England Courant. When James found out Dogood was actually Benjamin, the siblings disagreed and the younger Franklin moved to Philadelphia. Benjamin consequently became the publisher for The Pennsylvania Gazette when he was about twenty-four years old (Hovde, 2002). He gained popularity for printing Poor Richard’s Almanac which contained weather forecasts, household tips, puzzles, etc. (Green & Stallybrass, 2006) There is a lot to tell about Benjamin Franklin since he dabbled in many industries when he was alive. Aside from being a renowned printer and writer, Benjamin Franklin was also a diplomat. He was the first United States Minister to France and served from 1778 – 1785. Scholar Leo Lemay referred to Franklin as â€Å"the most essential and successful American diplomat of all time.† (Green & Stallybrass, 2006) Not only was Benjamin Franklin adept in being a publisher and a diplomat. He was also a very brilliant inventor. During his lifetime, Franklin managed to create what is commonly known as bifocals, lightning rod, glass harmonica and Franklin stove. (Independence, n.d.) Three of these are still popular today. Bifocals are a type of eyeglasses which have upper and lower halves. The lower halves were usually used for reading or viewing things that are near, while the upper halves are used for looking at distant objects. As Franklin grew older,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Decreasing Population of Bachelor of Secondary Education Essay Example for Free

Decreasing Population of Bachelor of Secondary Education Essay INTRODUCTION Anyone who chooses a teaching career in the Philippines must hold a degree in teacher education. Teachers in public and private elementary schools must have at least a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. High school teachers are expected to have a bachelor’s degree in secondary education with specialization (a major and a minor) in high school subjects. Both degrees are awarded upon successful completion of approved teacher education courses in recognized institutions. Teaching in colleges or professional degree programmes at the tertiary level requires at least a master’s degree in a particular area of specialization. But obviously, population of Bachelor of Secondary Education students were decreasing ultimately. Because of these, quality of education in the Philippines will likely face a crisis if the current trends in decreasing college enrolment and increasing dropouts especially Bachelor of Secondary Education and Bachelor of Elementary Education will continue. There are several factors to consider why the population of Education students diminished. Due to continuing tuition hikes, many college students decided to take vocational courses. Recently, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) National Commission of the Philippines reported that approximately 22 percent overall student survivals from first to fourth Year College. And undeniably, teacher is a very stressful profession. Teacher engaged in actual classroom teaching that render not more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day, preparation and correction of exercises and other work incidental to his/her normal teaching duties. Secondary teachers shall be assigned to no more than six daily forty-minute periods of instruction. For college, the normal teaching load of a full-time instructor shall be eighteen hours a week. The teaching load of part-time instructors who are full-time employees outside of teaching shall not exceed twelve hours per week. However, the average teachers’ salary at present is inadequate as source of livelihood. Teaching is a noble profession companied by the fact that they have a lot of pressure responsibilities to mould people in the society they belong. RELATED LITERATURE Teaching is a profession whose rewards have the potential to be great, yet its challenges have the potential to be frustrating at the same time. Teachers have the opportunity to positively impact their students lives. Helping young people reach their potential is extremely rewarding. However, some students are difficult to connect with, or have problems that interfere with their behavior and performance in the classroom. Aside from that, they also encounter difficulties in their work schedule, most teachers arrive at school early, stay late or bring work home. Planning, grading, meetings, conferences and professional development must be accomplished in addition to the daily teaching of lessons. They are also a typical 10-month employee and are off when school is closed for holidays and vacations. However, teachers may have to get summer jobs to supplement their salaries (Sally Miller, 2005). All higher education institutions in all countries have experienced tension between the demand to be specifically applicable to local needs and the desire to maintain ideas and values of universal reference (Hargreaves, 1973). Basically in Bachelor of Secondary Education or in any other teaching/education courses. The management structure of primary teaching education is inadequately organized to guide teacher education institute in accordance with the national development strategy. Rigidity and inefficiency in the schooling process result from the absence of effective, central and complete planning(Dunkley, 1981). Because of this, teacher’s wanna be decreasing extremely. According to Dr. Rupert Maclean(1988), there are some important implications for the development of the system of teacher education in the region such as: (1) need to recognize that the pursuit of learning is a lifelong process, (2)an examination of the extent to which educational institutions should be autonomous, and the consideration of the social and economic cost and benefits involved when greater autonomy occurs, (3)the reform and expansion of teacher education as a vital step towards the rejuvenation of public education. On the other hand, A Unesco Publication, The Changing Role of the Teacher, states â€Å"There was a time when the teacher’s roles was to pass down to the younger generation the knowledge, experiences and mythology of a slow evolving society The pace of change in contemporary society has made his role redundant. The role of teacher must be, among other things, a change agent. It does not matter whether one is addressing the situation in a developing country or an industrialized nation, the problem remains the same. What are the new dimensions of his/her role, and how is the teacher to be trained to fulfil that role. In examining the changing role of the teacher we need to see the changes as being a response to, and an attempt to confront the pressure of a society undergoing constant transition† (Goble and Porter, 1977). For this statement, we can say that teachers play an important role in changing the education in the society. For example, in Malaysia, education is envisioned to serve two important functions: (1)a means to achieve national unity and (2) a vehicle for national development. Since 1964, English was slowly replace by Bahasa Malaysia, the argument being that a nation system of education using a common medium of instruction, in addition to a common syllabus , will provide a strong base for promoting national unity. Unfortunately, the policy has created inter-ethnic tension, in view of the fact that in Malaysia about 53% are Chinese and about 11% are Indian origin(S. Husin Ali, Chang Yii Tan, Tan Boon Kean, 1987). Teacher is responsible in almost every job in the society especially when we are talking about the future of every student they handle in primary, secondary and tertiary level. Focusing in higher education, according to Trow(1938:132) higher education itself ‘a stratified system of institution, graded formally or informally in status and prestige, in wealth, power and influence of various kind. Moreover, teacher in the Philippines had its beginning as early as Spanish period. Teacher education programs have always been dictated by the urgent needs of the time, Before 1950, there were only a few state colleges offering a teacher education program. However, when the Department of Education reported the gravity of the problem of undersupply of professionally qualified teachers, enrolment in teacher education registered slowly upward. To encourage more schools to offer teacher education courses, requirements for opening normal schools and college were relaxed(Carson, 1978). Furthermore, most countries in the region of Asia recognize the crucial importance of pre-service education for teachers. For instance, the 1986 National Policy on Education states that â€Å"no people can rise above the level of its teachers† (de la Cruz, Leandro, 1988). Lastly, most important evidence of quality in an education system is to be found in the quality of the pupils/students produced. The problem, however, is to arrive at satisfactory indicators which will show that better quality education has been achieve (Adams, 1988). Accordingly, much discussion in quality and standards will show in this research. And also this study will attempt to show what was really the factors we can consider in the change in population of education students. For future studies, it will be necessary to analyze different data that related in the given topic. This research will have the great contribution in people awareness especially students on what are the trends in higher education. METHODOLOGY In order to gain information, the researcher conducted an interview with the highschool teacher including Mrs. Carol Isidro (Filipino II), Mrs. Crisamie Mendieta(Physics), Mrs. Laudato (Filipino II), Mrs. Musa (English I) and university instructors namely Ms. Michelle Zuniga (ITEC), Ms. Rona Feranil (Math), Ms. Jeneth Menil (P.E. and English), Mrs. Cherry Rose S. Uminga (Biology), Mrs. Grace Balingit ( Campus Asst. Librarian). It was made on March 3-5, 2010 at the Carmona National Highschool and Cavite State University- Carmona Campus. The researchers were able to perform an interview through the use of interview sheet/form/guide which the data currently record. They also used a pen to write every single information that the interviewee provide. During the pre-interview stage, the researchers put all the possible questions in a sheet of paper and improve it through the use of Microsoft word 2003. They also used Xerox machine to multiply the number of interview form/ guide. At the interview proper, the researchers used English language as the mode of communication. They apply formal way of gathering the point of views of the target population. And at the post interview stage, the researcher combined all ideas that the sample population had provide. Some of the information they were able to gather play an important role in interpreting the different ideas in understanding the cause of the issue of decreasing population of Bachelor of Secondary Education. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In pre-Spanish times, education was informal, unstructured, and devoid of methods. Children were provided more vocational training and less academics by their parents and in the houses of tribal tutors. Major changes in education system happened during the Spanish colonization. The tribal tutors were replaced by the Spanish Missionaries. Education was religion-oriented. It was for the elite, especially in the early years of Spanish colonization. But education during that period was inadequate, suppressed, and controlled. According to a new report of Commission on Higher Education (CHED), that the number of tertiary population in schoolyear 2002-2003 was 1.87 million compared to 2.4 million in 1994-1995. It cites however that general population of college students in the universities without classifying the program they belong was decrease incredibly. Even though there have not been any formal studies and analysis about this subject, there are several people and organization that will contribute in the explanation of the issue. According to Raymond Palatino, vice president of Anak ng Bayan (nation’s youth), college students who can no longer afford to study a four year course are planning to shift in other program usually vocational just to achieve their dream of earning a college diploma. In the lowering economic status of the Philippines, teachers play an important role in molding a future to a better one. Bachelor of Secondary Education program and many other teaching-related program students will likely face a doubt in pursuing their profession. They are more responsible in all aspects of an economy rather than any other job. Thus, they have great mission in everyone’s life. The purpose of this research is to provide consciousness towards the current issue of diminishing number of college students specifically Bachelor of Secondary Education students. Knowledge about this topic would make people aware in possibilities and reasons behind education status of a country. Concerning the standard of education in the Philippines, in June 2009 the president of the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP) cited the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) notice a continuing decline in the quality of education in this country. He said this was due to four main factors: a) mismanagement of the educational system, b) not investing wisely in education, c) lack of management competencies, d) systemic corruption. Another reason why the Philippines is not a major supplier of tertiary education for overseas students in the region is because some instructors and professors in SUC’s (state universities and colleges) be deficient in several abilities in professional teaching. These mandated subjects include the life and works of Filipino national hero Dr Jose Rizal, three subjects of Filipino language, and basic mathematics, science, and Filipino cultural subjects more appropriate for senior high school than for tertiary level. Also in order for the researcher to have primary information about the certain matter, they conducted an interview and look some documents that will testify the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education students in Cavite State University and Carmona National Highschool located at the community of Carmona, Cavite. The basic purpose of the interview was to gather different opinions and personal point of views of the people which generally related to the issue and the aim of the documents was to show relation of different information. The mode of communication during the interview proper is in English language in order to show formality and may give highly appropriate information. The prepared question in the interview guide/form was commonly as regards to the behavior, characteristics and ability of the sample population. From the school documents of Cavite State University, the researcher was able to identify the number of Bachelor of Secondary Education during first and second semester since 2002 at given university. As a follow up to this information, the Graph 1 shows the overall population of the enrollees of BSE program. Figure 1 Graph of enrolled students in BSE program at CvSU Carmona Campus, (Mrs. Mojica, Campus Registrar) As can be seen by the graph, the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education was inconsistent. At school year 2002-2003, during first semester of given year, the recorded population was 22 enrollees. At the latter part or in second semester, the population increased by 26. The population through that year (2002-2003) was said to be slightly increased. At first semester of 2003-2004, the enrollees were 84, and at the second semester in decreased by 76. At the first semester of 2004-2005, the documented enrollees increased by 119, and at the second semester, the enrollees extremely increased by 124. The inconsistency of the population appears at the middle of the year between 2002 to 2007. During the first semester, the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education at year 2005-2006 was 132 and at the second semester it declines to 121. At reach of 2006, the population on that particular campus noticeably decreases. The year 2006-2007, first semester, the enrollees was 110, it decrease to 104. And at the following year (2007-2008), the BSE students was consisted of 86 (first semester) and 93(second semester). At 2008-2009, the BSE program students got their smallest population at only 71 during first semester and 66 at second semester. Fortunately, it survives and reaches 84 enrollees at first semester of the year 2009-2010 and at second semester it decreased to 71. The population in that particular campus was the number of Bachelor of Secondary Education students in all year levels. The researchers also gather information from the teachers of Carmona National Highschool and instructors of Cavite State University-Carmona Campus through interview. From 5 sample population that the researchers were able to interview, such results only shows that people are aware in the tertiary level issue especially in teaching program. The first question at the interview guide was the reasons why did they choose Education program as their profession. From 5 interviewees 2 of them answered that that’s their parent’s choice. Also 2 of them proclaimed as their passion at the remaining one said that it’s their childhood dream. The result of first question shows that variation in reasons on choosing their program occurs. There are several aspects in choosing a program. It may be the behavior of a students or the behavior of the people around them. Another question although too broad to discuss â€Å"what are the factors to consider in choosing a program?† According to the observation of teachers/instructors there are too many factors they consider in entering the field of teaching. It can be the (1)parents choice, (2)job demand, (3)stability or security of the future job, (4) location of the school, (5)availability of the school, (6)scholarship offered, (7) line of interest, passion, personal choice or childhood dream (8) affordability or in financial matters, (9)relatives or friends influence. Another question answered by the interviewee, â€Å"What did you notice in the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education nowadays?† tested the attentiveness of the respondents. The result was interesting because majority showed that they see population of BSE students was said to be decreased. Only 1 of them, out of 5 answered that it increased. In order for the researcher to identify point of views of the sample population about the factors that affect the decreasing population of BSE students, they include it in their interview guide. The results of the question give ideas about the aspects which is much related in a given topic. The main factors given by the teacher/instructors were: (1) financial, (2) job demand, (3) unable to reach the standard, (4) majorship offered in the universities, (5) stressful, (6) issues or bad images of the teachers nowadays, (7) salary, and (8) chance to go abroad. The result of this question provides an appropriate answer about the certain topic. Although no longer the main component of this research, most of the target population that researchers able to interview has smaller number of colleagues whom they really want to be a teacher. According to Ms. Jeneth Menil (Engl and P.E. teacher in CvSU), and Ms. Tita Salamatin (English instructor in CvSU) approximately 10 % of her overall classmates in highschool really wants to be a teacher. And base on the observation Ms. Michelle Zuniga (ITEC teacher in CvSU) there are only 5 % wishes to be a teacher. Mrs Crisamie Mendieta (Physics teacher in CNHS) proclaimed that 2 out of 40 of her secondary classmates has a passion of teaching. While Mrs. Musa (English teacher in CNHS) notified that there are about 20 % of her highschool colleagues would like to be an educator. Fortunately, according to them, most of their highschool classmates including the teachers/instructors they interviewed whom wants to be a teacher pursued what they really want to be. Luckily, after several years of studying in teahing profession most of them succeed to be a teacher. But during their stage of studying in college, their college colleagues their population inside the campus as the Bachelor of Secondary Education students, their population said to be diminished as they reach their senior year. They give possible reason on why this condition occurs. The target interviewee told so that money is one of the greatest possible reasons for that. Some of their classmates choose the more convenient, time-saving courses such as vocational courses. Another reason was some of their colleagues realized that it is not their line of interest or their passion. According to Mrs. Mendieta others would like to take medicine/nursing for they think that it is in demand abroad. Lastly, the researcher confirmed that the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education decline after several years of establishing a teaching related field. They also give an idea about several factors on why this circumstance triggers. CONCLUSION The researchers prove that the population of students taking up of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) is decreasing due to the different reasons. The researchers also conclude that there are several factors that really affect on students in order for them not to choose teaching programs. Those factors include: (1) financial, (2) job demand, (3) unable to reach the standard, (4) majorship offered in the universities, (5) stressful, (6) issues or bad images of the teachers nowadays, (7) salary, and (8) chance to go abroad. Each factor was perceived by the target population which consists of highschool teachers and university instructors. This research show that aside from giving readers an idea about the condition in terms of population of the tertiary level students specifically Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) program, it also provide awareness about the factors that affect in this phenomenon. Although not really a main part of the research, the researchers still provide information about the vast majority of teachers interviewed indicate that they are satisfied with their jobs, but there are problems. While teachers salaries have improved, many teachers believe that their pay is still inadequate. Local conditions have a major impact on teacher satisfaction. On the teachers wish list for job improvement are lighter workloads, more parental support, fewer discipline problems, and greater administration support. Students at tertiary level have a freedom to choose what program they were able take, but researchers tries to identify the major causes, effects, and explanation in the current trends in the society. They also supply needed information and data in order to understand what really the topic is. Recommendations, suggestions, clarifications and point of views by different kind of people combined in only one research paper and organize it according to purpose. This research aims to promote the Bachelor of Secondary Education program and it also intends to increase the number of enrollees to certain program.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Economic Developments Essay Example for Free

Economic Developments Essay The current system of the world economy has emerged as a result of the historical trends and economic developments that occurred in the past particularly during the periods of World War I, World War II and the Cold War. To a significant extent, the current world order and the capitalist and industrial prosperity that is being experienced today are products of historical economic developments. This paper examines the economic developments from 1913 to the present including the history of self-determination in the world economy in relation to the current world economy. Consequently, the role of the United States from being an isolationist to an economic hegemon is analyzed. Economic Developments from 1913-Present The period from Post World War I up to the present can be considered to be a see-saw of economic prosperity and economic crises for most countries. For countries like the United States the war had brought about economic development but it also caused the economic downturn for countries like France and Germany. Capitalism began to ensue and trading had been more active. Hence, the period from 1920-1929 signaled the massive economic progress in the world economy- industries were established and the percentage of industries to agriculture rose. After this massive growth however, the unemployment rate and poverty that ensued from the period of 1929-1941 had led to the Great Depression- interest rates were high, hyperinflation ensued and the rise in debt had led to stock market collapse. The world economy had experienced a systemic recession leading the collapse of markets worldwide. In this era, the GDP and GNP of nations dropped and poverty ensued as world trade had been inactive. After the Great Depression, the World War II had created another economic era- post World War II had been considered to be a golden era for capitalism worldwide. This is because of the rapid rise in industries, the technological advancement, the prospering and stabilization of world trade, domestic and international institutions had been established in order to facilitate the world economy. Consequently, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the IMF were established in order to aid countries needing economic lift in order to aid in their industrialization. Backed by capitalism and foreign direct investments, this era can be considered the time when the world economy had boomed. However, after this period the time between 1970s-1980s, inflation and interest rates grew up and the fixed interest rates were deregulated in order to let the world economy repair itself. This era had however, contributed in terms of the massive plan to reorganize domestic economies through fiscal policies. The post Cold War on the other hand, marked the era when the US became the sole hegemon after the downfall of Russia. Before the Cold War, democratic countries can only trade with democratic countries and communist countries are only limited to trade with communist countries- the downfall of Russia opened the doors for all countries to be participants in the world economy. Hence, during the period of 1990 and up to the present times, despite some economic fluctuations, the world economy can be considered as stable and progressive. While there are ups and downs, the stability of the world economy in the present times cannot easily succumb to another depression. Self-Determination and in the World Economy Self-determination started after the World War I as a result of the Treaty of Versailles- it declared that the sovereignty of the states should take charge of the whole population. World War I led to the breakup of the Hapsburg and Ottoman empires and the birth of a new generation of nation-states. At Versailles, U. S. President Woodrow Wilsons famous Fourteen Pointsthe fifth of which declared that sovereignty should take full account of the interests of the populations concernedformed the basis for the treaty ending the war. After World Wars One and Two, self-determination inspired the demolition of empires and the formation of new sovereign states; the concept being thus extended in the 1940s and 1950s to apply in the context of the decolonisation process. In the 1960s and 1970s, the principle of self-determination clashes with the principle of territorial integrity and global leaders are increasingly seeing this angle to the problem. In fact, even the UN resolution 1514 adopted in 1960 which elevated the status of self-determination, had also emphasized territorial integrity: any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of national unity and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The international system was caught up in the contradiction and had exhibited some degree of ambivalence at least after the post-war decolonisation. It can be observed that the further extension of the principle today, as it inspires the surge of ethnic politics and threatens the break-up of the established post-colonial order. The United States as the World’s Political and Economic Hegemon The United States before World War I cannot be considered to be an economic or a political superpower, it derived its wealth from World War I from selling ammunitions and exploiting the economic opportunities caused by the war. However, in World War II, the US emerged as one of the more powerful countries not only in terms of technology but also politically and economically after surviving the Great Depression. The Post World War II established the United States from a country in the middle to that of a global hegemon. For one, post World War I saw the US to be involved in trade, the importation and exportation of goods as well as in searching for new territories to expand its power and industries. Post World War II saw the United States cementing its economic and political hegemony- it had established itself as one of the most prosperous and progressive countries not only through its GDP and GNP but also in terms of its ability to impose upon other countries. The United States during this time served as one of the economic powers together with countries in Europe, Japan and the USSR. Upon entering the Cold War, the world became a division of the US and the USSR or democracy versus communism. During this era, the United States served as an international role model for democracies as well as the patron of democratic countries. The fall of the USSR catapulted the US to its role today as a global hegemon- except for North Korea, there had been no real threat to the supremacy of democracy and hence, the United States. During this time until the present times, the United States had been a major player in sanctioning countries that do not abide by international laws and regulations as well as being a forerunner in providing foreign aids as well as regulating trade activities. To be a partner with the US would be tantamount to economic growth. The power held by the US both politically and economically can be considered to spawn countries even in Asia and Third World countries. Needless to say, the United States can be considered to be the most important international player today.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pest And Swot Analysis Of Australia

Pest And Swot Analysis Of Australia Sydney is the largest city in Australia with a population of 22,000 in central area and 4 million people in greater Sydney area. It is situated on Australias south-east coast and is one of the most multicultural cities in the world and is a major destination for immigrants to Australia. 1.2 The Product Kluang Station Kluang Station is known as the Coffee Shop Canteen. Going abroad for further expansion and growth for the first time may be challenging as there are limitations to it. The existence of rules and regulations for venturing into the Australian food and beverage market require that they be critically looked at as it is crucial for Kluang Station to understand and abide them. 2.0 Market Audit SWOT Analysis PEST Analysis A recent international comparative study, Doing Business in 2008, found Australia has the ninth most business friendly regulations in the world, this means that the regulatory environment in the economy is conducive to the operation of business. Political The government and regulatory institutions are reliable, transparent, impartial and internationally competitive, thus providing investors with a safe and secure business framework. Political Risk One of the main issues to be discussed is the concern of the political risk within a country. In this case, concerns of the possibility that political decisions such as expropriation of profits, events such as wars, terrorism, and insurrection in the host country will negatively affect the business climate. Political System Three political parties dominate the Australian political system: The Liberal Party (LP) nominally representing urban business interests, and its smaller Coalition partner. The Nationals nominally representing rural interests are the more conservative parties. The Australian Labor Party (ALP) nominally represents workers, trade unions, and left-of-center groups. All political groups are tied by tradition to welfare programs. Over the last decade, Australia has increased assistance to families while imposing obligations on those receiving unemployment benefits and disability pensions. Legal System Australias legal system is based on the English System of legislative statutes and common law similar to that of Malaysia. Therefore, depending upon the type of investment proposed, an overseas investor in Australia would need to have regard to the laws and regulations of one or more of the Federal, State, Territory or Local Governments. With regards to the opening of Kluang Station in Sydney, the Federal Government has power in most areas concerning the national economy including income tax, exchange controls and foreign investment in corporations and land assets. Economical Australia has an enviable, strong economy with a per capita GDP on par with the four dominant West European economies. Healthy business and consumer confidence and high export prices for raw materials and agricultural products are fueling the economy, particularly in mining states. According to the data and products produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) the current unemployment rate is 4.4 which are known to be one of the lowest rates in the world Sociocultural i. Communication Australians are very direct in the way they communicate, There is often an element of humor, often self-deprecating, in their speech. Language English is the national language. Australian English is a major variety of the language, with its own distinctive accent and vocabulary some of which has found its way into Standard English. All documentation are written in English, these make it easy for Kluang Station to venture into Sydney. ii. Dining With the emphasis of multiculturalism, many other cuisines have influenced the Australian food culture such as the Asian foods formerly brought up by the settlers. Technological A combination of world-class information and communications technology (ICT) is adaptable across all Australian industry sectors providing an excellent environment for investors. E-readiness is a measure of a countrys information and communications technology and the ability of businesses and consumers to use ICT to their advantage. One benefit of this is the application of mobile technologies. The service industry, more specifically restaurants, has initiated exploiting the benefits of mobile technology. For instance, the benefits of using personal digital assistants (PDAs) in a restaurant have been explored. The findings indicated that the use of such technology has increased efficiency and accuracy, speedier service, better usability, and enhanced reputation. Telecommunication Sydney has a world class telecommunications infrastructure. Australian domestic networks consist of fiber-optic, wireless, and satellite system. Fiber-optic cables are the predominant technology allowing speedy internet access. Transportation Sydney is well equipped with public transport ranging from buses, taxis, to monorails and trains. There are also catamarans and ferries that ferry people from the main island to Manly Island located across Sydney harbour. Besides that, the airport is located close to the city, about a half an hour drive by motorway. 3.0 Target Market The restaurants target market will consist primarily of local residential customers ranging in age from 21 to 45 and local businesses. The main customers to be targeted would be office workers and tourists. This is due to the fact that most children would be at school and family outings happen on weekends as parents and children are free from obligations. Objectives Below are the objectives that are to be achieved via the marketing plan for Kluang Stations expansion into the Australian food and beverage market: i. Expand the market for local Malaysian delicacies such as Roti Bakar, Hainanese chicken rice, Ipoh White coffee and The Tarik ii. Expand the growth potential of Kluang Station by venturing into a new international market. Marketing Plan 5.1 Mode of entry 5.2 Product 5.3 Price First step for going global, Kluang Station is aware that price becomes increasingly important as a competitive tool. The manager is responsible for setting and controlling the price of the goods and services provided. In Kluang Station, the prices of food and drinks served are in about the range of $2 to $15. 5.3.1 Customary Mark-ups There are costs that will be incurred in the business that will lead to increments of the pricings. The main costs from the fixed rate include the renting, utility, and electricity of the restaurant in Sydney. Also, the charging of labor, that costs AUS$5 per hour.Part of the government regulations, Kluang Station must comply with the application of GST (tax charges) on total items sold. 5.4 Place Kluang Station will be located at Newtown NSW. The reason this particular address was chosen was due to the reputation of the street. Locals know it as a dining area that offers a variety of different foods to cater to any palette. It will be fitted will old kopitiam furniture; wooden stools and chairs, marble top tables, which will be flown in from Malaysia. To add to the ambiance, old Chinese opera music will be played softly in the background. 5.5 Promotion As there are many forms of advertising in Australia, Kluang Station would take this advantage to become recognize in the market. Since they are new in the market, Kluang Station would want to be established however within their planned budget. One way to advertise the existence of Kluang Station is through newspaper as it is one of the lowest costs for advertising. Since the target markets are potential drivers in Sydney, this could be the best way to reach to them. 5.6 Human Resource Kluang Station will need to employ several workers; cooks, waiters/waitresses, cleaners, cashiers, a manager, and two supervisors. Hiring will be done from the local community by taking out an advertisement in the local paper and using local job placement agencies. 5.6.1 Employer-employee relations There are employer employee agreements whereby this is registered with the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, covering an employees working arrangements, pay and conditions. The employer employee agreements have been designed to provide appropriate protections and choice for both employees and employers. 5.6.2 Salaries and benefits Working in Australia gets the benefit of a flex working time. The salary of every employee is in proportion to their work loads. It seemed to have been above the standard scale and this is why many seek to land in the Australia shores. Aside from the filthy competitive salaries and benefits, they can enjoy luxurious fringe benefits. Budget 6.1 Five year financial project and assumption The following pages showcase the budget profits/ lost statement and estimates projected income statement. Based on our assumption, Kluang station will be making a profit throughout the 5 coming years

Development of Neighborhoods in Chicago Essay -- City Development, Eth

Chicago in the 1920s was a turning point for the development of ethnic neighborhoods. After the opening of the first rail connection from New York to Chicago in the 1840s, immigration sky rocketed from that point on. Majority of the immigrants to Chicago were Europeans. The Irish, Italians, eastern European Jews, Germans, and Mexicans were among the most common ethnicities to reside in Chicago. These groups made up the greater part of Chicago. The sudden increase in immigration to Chicago in the 1920s soon led to an even further distinguished separation of ethnicities in neighborhoods. The overall development of these neighborhoods deeply impacted how Chicago is sectioned off nowadays. Without these ethnicities immigrating to Chicago almost 100 years ago, Chicago neighborhoods would not be as culturally defined and shaped as they are today. Immigration to America from Europe was at an all time high in the mid-1800s. After the potato famine in Ireland in the 1840s, a large group of Irish immigrated to the United States. Since then, increasing numbers of Irish people have been moving to the United States, especially in Chicago. The Irish had come to realize that the United States really is the land of opportunity. With jobs being available to the immigrants, many more shipped in to start new lives for their families. However, for quite a while they did not live in the nicest of areas in Chicago. Many of the Irish resided in low-class areas such as overcrowded parts around the Loop, and out in the West Side. Not only did the West Side shelter the Irish, but many Germans and Jews lived in that area. Ethnicities wanted to be with their own race. This began the movement of the development of ethnic neighborhoods. Although many et... ... many immigrants faced discrimination, thus leaving them no choice but to live in the slums of some areas and try fight their way up to success. Many of these ethnic groups still reside where their relatives first lived when they arrived many years ago, whereas a majority of the ethnic groups have dispersed all over the Chicago land area, creating many culturally mixed neighborhoods. Ultimately, all of these ethnic groups found their rightful area in which they belong in Chicago. To this day, the areas in Chicago that the different ethnic immigrants moved to back in the 1920s are very much so the same. These immigrants have a deep impact on the development of neighborhoods in today’s society. Without the immigrants’ hard work and their ambition to establish a life for their families and their future, Chicago would not be as developed and defined as it is now.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Alcohol Dependence Essay -- essays research papers

Alcohol Use Disorders are disorders that are caused by the intake of alcohol over a period of time and in ways that lead to harms with health, personal relationships, school, or work. Different alcohol use disorders comprise alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, alcohol intoxication, and alcohol withdrawal. A person with alcohol dependence has an increased tolerance to alcohol or symptoms of withdrawal after the stop of alcohol ingestion. People who are dependent on alcohol may spend considerable amounts of time drinking alcohol despite the fact that they are fully knowledgeable of the destructive characteristics of the drug. A person abusing alcohol begins to disregard his/her responsibilities in school, at work, or socially because of alcohol use. Also, the alcohol abuser may engage in dangerous activities while intoxicated. Starting with using alcohol as a social drinker, a person will rapidly change their consumption to drinking for the purpose of getting drunk. These people are often drunk in public which leads to many arrests. Alcohol intoxication can often cause a person to undergo emotional conversions such as moodiness or irritability. The person may also experience physical changes like slurred speech and poor coordination. Extreme alcohol use may lead to memory loss called "blackouts". Alcohol Poisoning is when so much alcohol is consumed that death can occur if it is not pumped out of the stomach. Alcohol withdrawal follows the discontinuation of the heavy use of alcohol. It happens because the body has become dependent on the alcohol in the blood for small tasks. When the entire â€Å"normal amount† of alcohol is stopped suddenly, the body retaliates with increasingly horrific symptoms. The person in alcohol withdrawal m... a patient cope with withdrawal is Hour to Hour: The First 30 Days by Shelly Marshall. Another is Alcohol: How to Give it Up and Be Glad You Did, by Philip Tate. The Alcohol Treatment Referral Hotline, 1-800-ALCOHOL, provides help and referrals for people with concerns about alcohol or drug use. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence hotline, 1-800-622-2255, connects people with survivors who can relate. The Alcohol and Drug Hotline, 1-800-821-4357, provides information on treatment centers and AA support groups. The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Hotline, 1-800-662-HELP (1-800-662-4357), provides information on alcohol and drug abuse, local treatment options and to speak with someone about alcohol, drug or family problems. All of these resources can help a person in need. Please utilize them to assist yourself of a friend in finding treatment.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Reading :: essays research papers

A.C Peterson Farms 1) I feel that this ice cream company has provided examples of matrix structure because it9is a structure in which the task of the organization is grouped along with two organizing dimension simutanelously. 2) Advantages of centralizing decision making for a firm like AC Paterson Farms are more control to top managers and maximizing efficiency. The main disadvantage is it may limit the organization to respond quickly and effectively to changes in the environment. Chocolate and Much More 1) The company in regards to the organizational design must be integrating mechanism, which is a method for managing the flow of information, resources, and tasks within the organization. 2) The repercussion of moving into new international markets without the appropriate organizational design could be a disaster. With no formulated plan the merge in to foreign countries will result in failure. 3) I recommend that the company seek optional plans that will benefit the strategic plan and mission of the organization. Ethic Case 1) If I were in Tom’s position I too wold feel very uneasy. Although with serious though Tom was chosen as the laison of production this mean his peers and boss trust his work. Also I would develop a plan that would benefit the company as a whole not just one department. 2) I would recommend to Tom advice the two departments to meet on a weekly basis to restructure communication lines. From there the two should negotiate the plans for the company and realistic accomplishments for the two departments. 3) No I can not think of any other organizational relationships or situations that might lead to a similar problem. Ethic Case I. Dobbs Electronics Manufacturing Company production and manufacturing departments have stopped communicating, which has created many problems for the company. II. Manufacturing and production departments at the electronics manufacturing company have halted all communications. The success of the sales can depend on presise delivery of the product. To do this sales representatives have promised shipment due date before the production department can produce the item. This had lead to rushing through the job, working overtime, and reducing machine downtime for maintance. Top management has recognized the problem and know they need to reestablish the communication between the two departments. In attempt to solve the situation a liaison for each department was appointed. Tom Short is the liaison for the production department, his feelings towards the assignment deal with the concern of the way his boss and peers will view him and his ability to work.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Total Export of Container Throughput By Kuching Ports

Malaysia is a developing country and maritime sector is one of the most important sectors in Malaysia, The container ports will give advantage to a developing country like Malaysia because with the existence of ports in this country, Malaysia can establish new relationship with other country by means Of export Of the goods. In this study will show how export will give impact On economy growth and What factors that influence the export activities. Export has its own effect, Whether in good side or bad side. Export is also depends on the demand from the seers itself.The demand Will become the first thing that Will influence the rate Of export. So, the growth of maritime sector surely can give good impact on economic growth. Hopefully this project will help Maritime sector at Kicking port become more efficient in managing the port especially in the container throughput sector. This analysis Is carried out using the e-flews to check whether the data is stable or not. And then this resear ch continues by using Microsoft Excel to forecast the export of container from year 2013 to year 2020. Keywords: Container throughput, Export, Forecasting, E-flews, Microsoft Excel 1. Introduction Centralization Is an Important transportation system in the rapid growth of international trade. Especially in the country dominating both of Importing and exporting Like Malaysia. Containers are used for shipping many types of goods such as agricultural. Consumer. And manufacturing products. Container through put is measured by twenty;foot equivalent units (TELL). The container is widely referred to as a box. A container terminal is a place where contemporaries are berthed for loading/unloading. Storage of import. Export and trans-shipment containers.Container throughput is a measure of the number of containers handled over a period of time, It is a standard measure for the productivity of a seaport. Kicking Port Authority was the first Malaysian port authority to have its Container Handl ing Management System accorded the MS ISO 9002 certification. Kicking Port Authority also was the first organized port in the state of Karakas. This port was established in year 1961 under the Port Authorities Ordinance 1961. Eyeing situated just outside Kicking, the capital City Of Karakas and the seat Of the State Government andTotal Export of Container Throughput By Kicking Ports, Malaysia, using forecasting method from year 2013 to year 2020 By unmanned method from year 2013 to year 2020 T. M. H. Tongue Sounding, Department of Universities Malaysia Triggering, 21030 Koala Triggering, Triggering, Malaysia one of the most important sectors in Malaysia. The container ports will give of export of the goods. In this study will show how export will give impact on economy growth and what factors that influence the export activities. Export has its own effect, whether in good side or bad side.Export is also depends on the demand from the users itself. The demand will become the first th ing that will influence the rate of export. So, the growth of maritime sector surely can give good impact on economic analysis is carried out using the e-views to check whether the data is stable or not. Forecasting, E-views, Microsoft Excel 1. 0 Introduction Centralization is an important transportation system in the rapid growth of international trade, especially in the country dominating both of importing and exporting like Malaysia.Containers are used for shipping many types of goods such s agricultural, consumer, and manufacturing products. Container through put is measured by twenty-foot equivalent units (TIES). The container is widely referred to loading/unloading, storage of import, export and trans-shipment containers. Period of time. It is a standard measure for the productivity of a seaport. Kicking year 1961 under the Port Authorities Ordinance 1961. Being situated Just outside Kicking, the capital city of Karakas and the seat of the State Government and measured by twen ty-foot equivalent units (TEE). The container is widely referred to

Friday, August 16, 2019

Impact of E Government on Public Admin

The Introduction of the IRIS payroll system at the Ministry of Works and Transport was seed as the Case Study for this project; with the mall objective being to highlight the changes being experienced by public administration as a result of the revolution In communication technology. Introduction The revolution of Information Technology and Communication during the 21st Century has impacted on individuals, groups as well as organizations and businesses.While this has caused changes in people's lifestyles, it has also effected phenomenal changes in government processes and interactions with citizens, businesses, other government agencies and employees. Within the sphere of governance, Information Communication Technology applications have infiltrated into government's policies, procedures, infrastructure and its frameworks in order to enhance the delivery of goods and services to the public.Society has become more aware of obtaining effective and efficient electronic or e-government s ervices mainly because of the advent of the Internet in the sass's. Globalization and greater customer expectations have created a shift form agency- based to fulfilling the needs of the public. The successful implementation of e-government projects requires a lot of administration restructuring processes, redefining of administrative procedures and formats, which find resistance in almost all departments at all levels. † 1. Ultimately, In the long -term, e-government alms to reinforce government's Initiatives towards effective governance and Increased transparency In order to better manage the country social and economic resources for growth and development. 1 . Kananga 2004 An Overview of E-Government The e;government agenda has been widely adopted by governments of many neutrons Walt n ten expectation AT inclemency, effectiveness, accountability, transparency and convenience in the functioning of government agencies. E- Government has become both a vision and the world we l ive in. Citizen-eccentricity is about turning the focus of government around; looking at the world through the other end of the telescope so that the needs of citizens and business come first. † 2. The term e-government, short for electronic government is synonymous with digital government or connected government. It can be defined as â€Å"the migration of overspent information and services to an online delivery mode. â€Å"3. It dates back to the sass's with the introduction of information technology in the Public Sector.However it was not until the year 2000 that the conversion of the provision of information and services to electronic means took place. Three components comprise the e-government system, they are: 1 . The provision of services from Government to government (Internal) 2. From government to business (External) 3. From government to citizens (External) Some examples of e-government in action include disbursement of social security- Identification cards driver 's permits, passports; handling of government works projects as well as providing information of representatives online. . Intel , 2006 3. Oliver & sanders, 2004 Definition of E-Government There is no one definition for E-government but it ranges from â€Å"the government task of setting a valid legal framework for the effective use of the electronic media in society as well as the application of these media for public procurement, services to companies and the management of the internal organization. â€Å"l .To â€Å"the ramification process of the Public administration as a whole and of its interaction with people; this process, through Information and Communication Technologies (Sits), aims at optimizing the provision of services, at increasing participation by citizens and enterprises and at enhancing the governing ability of Public Administration itself in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. † 2. Public Administration is the executive or operative arm of the govern ment with the responsibility of carrying out their policies and directives.Therefore within the intent of e-government, Public Administration is now faced with both organizational and institutional transformations as governments move towards the creation of an International Ana Knowledge Dates collect. The use of Information Communication Technology in government, according to the European Union, aims to achieve three goals. They are as follows: to improve public services, to facilitate the democratic process by allowing greater citizen participation and to strengthen support for public policies. The change to e-government requires major organizational and structural hangs.Within the Public administration framework, numerous reforms have to be undertaken such as redefining of roles and responsibilities, rethinking services and access to them, eliminating redundant functions, developing skills and competencies in staff as well as working hand in hand with other stakeholders to delive r services that go beyond the organization . For e-government to be successful reforms and reinventions in the Public Service are imperative. However, while the technology part may be relatively easy to implement, the difficult part is the human aspect.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

1980 African American Education Essay

*In 1988, the enrollment of black men declined, while it increased for women. There were 179,000 black women in college, then black men. Percentage of highs school graduates going to college 1960-1970: Males exceeded women 1980’s: women overtake men and never lost the lead Popular concentration in education in the 1980’s 1981: business and management were the most popular of all black bachelor’s degree recipients. 13,325 blacks earned a bachelor’s degree in business and management (40% earned in historically black colleges). See more: Old Age Problem essay The Black and White Gap â€Å"The average scores of black students have remained well below those of whites, and at age 17, the reading achievement of black students was lower last year than it was in 1988Ââ€"a depressing reversal of the gains made over the previous two decades,† Michael T. Nettles, the vice chairman of the National Assessment Governing Board, said at a press conference held here late last month to release the results. The independent panel oversees National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). In just about every age group and in every subject, the test-score gap between white and African-American students has grown since 1986, reversing a trend in which the discrepancies decreased from the time the exams were first given in 1969, 1971, and 1973. Since the mid-1980s, gaps in several subjects and age groups have grown by statistically significant amounts. Resegregation occurring again â€Å"Studies finds the causes for resegregation stemming from a number of social and political factors: a series of court rulings beginning in the late 1980s that reversed many of the desegregation orders, the growing isolation of whites in suburban schools, and the increasing segregation of blacks and Hispanics in suburban schools.† Study suggest that students do better with same race teachers. Both black and white children score higher on mathematics and reading tests when their teachers are the same race as they are, a study of 6,000 Tennessee schoolchildren suggests. 1980 African American Education Essay Percentage of highs school graduates going to college 1960-1970: Males exceeded women 1980’s: women overtake men and never lost the lead Popular concentration in education in the 1980’s 1981: business and management were the most popular of all black bachelor’s degree recipients. 13,325 blacks earned a bachelor’s degree in business and management (40% earned in historically black colleges). The Black and White Gap â€Å"The average scores of black students have remained well below those of whites, and at age 17, the reading achievement of black students was lower last year than it was in 1988Ââ€"a depressing reversal of the gains made over the previous two decades,† Michael T. Nettles, the vice chairman of the National Assessment Governing Board, said at a press conference held here late last month to release the results. The independent panel oversees National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). See more:  Unemployment – problems and solutions essay   In just about every age group and in every subject, the test-score gap between white and African-American students has grown since 1986, reversing a trend in which the discrepancies decreased from the time the exams were first given in 1969, 1971, and 1973. Since the mid-1980s, gaps in several subjects and age groups have grown by statistically significant amounts. Resegregation occurring again. â€Å"Studies finds the causes for resegregation stemming from a number of social and political factors: a series of court rulings beginning in the late 1980s that reversed many of the desegregation orders, the growing isolation of whites in suburban schools, and the increasing segregation of blacks and Hispanics in suburban schools.† Study suggest that students do better with same race teachers. Both black and white children score higher on mathematics and reading tests when their teachers are the same race as they are, a study of 6,000 Tennessee schoolchildren suggests.

Arthur Conan Doyle Essay

A critical account of ‘The Speckled Band’ and ‘The Engineer’s Thumb’ by Arthur Conan Doyle  In the story of The Speckled Band a woman called Helen Stoner arrives at Holmes’ rooms in a state of terror. She is the stepdaughter of Dr Grimesby Roylott, a violent man who spent five years in India and associates only with gipsies, and has such exotic pets as a baboon and a cheetah. Helen’s mother is now dead, and two years previously her sister died in mysterious circumstances: a strange whistling disturbed her in her sleep for some nights, and on the night of her death she appeared transfixed, able only to shriek, ‘the speckled band!’ she had been about to marry and now Helen is planning to do the same; her stepfather has moved her to her sisters bedroom next to his and the whistling has recurred. Despite a warning from the maniacal Dr Roylott, Holmes and Watson head for Stoke Moran, examine the house and wait the night in Helen’s bedroom. Holmes’ deduction proves correct: Dr Roylott sends a swamp adder (the speckled band) through a ventilator to kill Helen, Holmes’ cane drives it back and the murderer is poisoned. The main characters in the story consist of: Helen stoner who is the main client. She arrives at Sherlock Holmes’ rooms in Baker Street to ask him for help. The character of Helen Stoner sets the tone of the story: shivering with fear, ‘her face all drawn and grey, with restless frightened eyes, like those of some hunted animal.’ She is obviously a sensible and levelheaded woman: therefore there must be a reason for her terror. The character of Sherlock Holmes in the story appears to be that of an appealing eccentric. In this story he uses his powers of deduction to identify minute details with which to solve the final mystery, for instance he knew ‘you must have started early, and yet you had a good drive in a dog cart, along heavy roads before you reached the station.’ Through the story he displays elements of humour, after doctor Roylott threatened with a poker he replies, ‘he seems a very amiable person’. Subtly alluring to his own physical power by, ‘he picked up the steel poker and with a sudden effort straightened it out again. Whilst examining the premises of Stoke Moran, ‘he threw himself down upon his face with his lens in his hand, and crawled swiftly backwards and forwards, examining minutely the crack between the boards.’ This illustrates Holmes’ minute attention to detail. Dr Watson is the ideal narrator of this story. His ability to perceive and describe details is as important as his inability to deduce from them what Holmes can. He says, ‘Holmes, I seem to see dimly what you are hitting at’, after Holmes had described the position of the ventilator and the rope. The relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson is one of an ‘intimate friend and associate. In contrast to Holmes, Dr Watson makes the sensible deductions and assumption of the of the ordinary intelligent man. He is portrayed as an amiable man as well as the devoted recorder of Holmes’ achievements. A vivid description is built up of Dr Roylott by the description of Helen stoner. We know that he came from an aristocratic background. However successive heirs had squandered the money. After taking a medical degree he went to India, where he spent some time in prison from murdering a native servant. She describes his ‘violence of temper approaching to mania’.  We are also told that he likes to associate with gypsies and also keeps exotic animals, for example, a cheetah and a baboon. In another passage Dr Roylott enters Holmes’ room and is described as a ‘huge man’ with a face ‘marked with every evil passion’. He is said to resemble ‘a fierce old bird of pray’. We are led also to believe that Dr Roylott is violent towards his Stepdaughter when Homes sees burses on her wrists. The story is set during the Victorian era with the backdrop of the decaying grandeur of Stoke Moran this help this links closely to the character of Dr Roylott as a fallen aristocrat and also helps to create a mysterious atmosphere. ‘The building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone with a high central portion, and two curving wings, like the claws of a crab, thrown out on each side. In one of these wings the windows were broken, and blocked with wooden boards, while the roof was partly caved in, a picture of ruin.’

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Avon - Hello Tomorrow Campaign

Avon, the oldest cosmetics company in the United States and the world’s largest direct seller, received a much needed boost with Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Andrea Jung, at the helm (Creed and Laichas). Andrea became the company’s first female CEO in 1994, marking the beginning of a brand turnaround (â€Å"Avon Products, Inc. †). From its humble beginning to becoming the cosmetic giant that it is now, Avon has had a number of trials and bounce backs. It’s most recent success, the Hello Tomorrow global campaign was launched in response to lacking sales in 2005 (Elliott). The campaign goal was to restructure the company, reinvest in the brand as well as the sales representatives, all while spreading the word that Avon understands and empowers women all over the globe (Creed and Laichas, Elliott). Avon, originally named the California Perfume Company, was born in the 1880s, when David H. McConnell, a door-to-door book salesman, began to offer small bottles of perfume to the women who would allow him to come into their homes and talk about his books. It did not take him long to figure out that the women were more interested in the perfume than they were the books he was selling. Taking a leap of faith, Mr. McConnell stopped selling books completely to focus on the perfumes. Working from home in New York City, he brewed five different scents which he named the â€Å"Little Dot Perfume Set,† consisting of heliotrope, hyacinth, lily of the valley, violet, and white rose. He intended to sell the perfumes directly to customers utilizing all of the contacts he had made during his time as a traveling door-to-door salesman (â€Å"Avon Products, Inc. †). The first Avon Lady he recruited was the wife of a U. S. senator, Mrs. P. F. E. Albee, of Winchester, New Hampshire. Mrs. Albee was able to recruit and train a sales team of one hundred within the first six months. That number continued to climb steady, to over five thousand after twelve years. The company, excited about the growth, wasted little time in offering new scents to the perfumes along with other products. Ten years after the company’s beginning the first catalog was made, complete with illustrations, and a new production facility was built in Suffern, New York. This is also when the first products bearing the Avon name were released. Mr. McConnell was inspired by the landscape around their new facility, stating it reminded him of William Shakespeare’s home of Stratford-on-Avon, England. This product line consisted of cleanser, a toothbrush, and a vanity set (â€Å"Avon Products, Inc. †). Avon’s sales suffered during the Depression and World War II, however after the war more women began to look for ways of making money that would not interrupt there family life, quadrupling the sales force. In 1954, Avon launched its first television advertisements with the famous, â€Å"Ding Dong, Avon Calling,† slogan. They also jumped into the Latin American market by opening up offices in Puerto Rico and Venezuela. Three years later in 1957, the first office in the United Kingdom was opened with the name, Avon Cosmetics, Ltd. (â€Å"Avon Products, Inc. †) Today, Avon is sold via direct sales by over five million independent sales representatives in one hundred forty three countries, to nearly three hundred million customers (Avon Products, Inc SWOT Analysis 2008). The year 2005 was described by Business Week magazine as a year of collapse for Avon, with the United States, Mexico, as well as Central and Eastern Europe sales less than expected. CEO Andrea Jung stated that it was a tough year, but one that she would learn from. She learned a lot about both herself and the business. Publically making these statements were seen by many to be on of her defining moments, she practiced humility, which is one of Avon’s founding principles. The Hello Tomorrow campaign was a long time in the making, one that required changes not only in their marketing strategy, but also in the entire company’s way of operating (Creed and Laichas). Turing the company around was not an easy task. The company had always been run according to its entrepreneurial beginning; it had to be transformed into a globally integrated and managed business. In order to accomplish this transformation and remain the top spots in both the direct selling and cosmetics industries would require a large monetary investment. CEO Andrea Jung stated, â€Å"We needed to sustain investment in the brand, step up investment in our channel, and continue to drive out costs and manage for the long term. † Avon had to completely reorganize itself. CEO Jung believes that you have to base your organizational structure according to your strategy. With Avon, the company had become too large to function properly on the way it had been organized (Creed and Laichas). The Avon management team decided to do what they could to free up just over seven million from restructuring and analyzing costs, along with other changes, and then reinvest the money back into the company through both representatives and the brand (Creed and Laichas). Avon hired the advertising firm, Soho Square in New York, to begin developing the creative aspect of this global campaign, set to launch in the spring of 2007. Nicola Bell, a client services director for Soho Square, knew that the Avon name was a classic; they just needed a fresh jump start to firm the brand into the minds of consumers (Elliott). While analyzing costs, CEO Jung discovered that the current fifteen layers of management were no longer necessary. It could easily be cut back to eight layers, saving the company two million dollars. Four thousand five hundred, middle to senior management, representatives from all around the world would be removed from their positions. CEO Jung went to meet with all members of management face-to-face to let them know about the â€Å"de-layering,† as she called it. This was done before any decisions on who would go and who would stay were made (Creed and Laichas). Holding true to the decision to invest in the representatives, Avon changed the compensation plan to a universal multilevel plan and also reevaluated the commission rates, which vary depending on the market. They also took a close look at the frequency of the advertising campaigns they ran in Central and Eastern Europe, deciding to put more into their marketing efforts there (Creed and Laichas). One of the company’s biggest investments was in technology. A more user friendly website was created for representatives to use. It quickly became a much more efficient way for independent sales representatives to run their business. They can easily place orders, check product availability and process returns. Independent sales representatives even have the ability to generate prospective emails from the website. They can choose one for a given campaign or they can design their own. This investment in technology proved to be one of the company’s strengths, making Avon’s SWOT Analysis, compiled by Datamonitor, in April of 2007 and June of 2008 (Avon Products, Inc. SWOT Analysis 2007, 2008). The company also invested over ninety million dollars on brand advertising. The Hello Tomorrow campaign integrated both brand and channel, another first for the company. CEO Jung was quoted as saying, â€Å"The channel or the brand, that’s a very deliberate and strategic question, and I think the power of Hello Tomorrow, and Avon in its second chapter, is we can do both,† when asked about the strategy. She believes that by the company raising the brand so highly excites the representatives as much as it does the final customers, motivating them to drive their campaigns harder (Creed and Laichas). In yet another first for Avon, they made all prospecting and marketing materials around the globe look the same, from handouts, to television commercials, to the brochures. By using this massive, uniform, global campaign Avon hopes to portray the company’s enthusiasm for both the beauty industry and their channel onto others and building morale among the remaining workers (Elliott). The first two commercials Avon launched for the Hello Tomorrow campaign were focused on recruiting more independent sales representatives. One was based primarily on the traditional sales techniques of door-to-door selling, emphasizing the excitement of the sale as well as the strength of the brand. The other commercial focused on the flexibility of running an online Avon business, thus allowing women who may not have enough time for traditional sales the option of sticking strictly to sales via the internet. Avon is confident that the products will sell themselves once people try them, the more sales representatives they have pushing their product the better off they are (Elliott). Happy with the results of the campaign in Avon test markets, including Brazil and China the Hello Tomorrow campaign was officially launched. The company found that their two different advertising strategies would payoff by targeting women on an emotional level (Elliott). Continuing to fulfill what Avon views as their social obligation to women, it was announced on August 1, 2007, that actress Reese Witherspoon had joined the Hello Tomorrow team as the first ever Avon Global Ambassador and honorary Chairman of the Avon Foundation. The Avon Foundation was developed to focuses on improving the lives of women, ending domestic violence, finding a cure for breast cancer, and instigating emergency relief standards. During her induction speech Reese said, â€Å"Avon is more than an iconic world class beauty leader. It is a company that is known the world over as a crusader for women’s causes. I’m] proud to be joining the great philanthropic work [that Avon has established],† (â€Å"Reese Witherspoon is An Avon Woman†). In addition to adding the fresh faced beauty on board, Avon also set up a global Hello Tomorrow Fund. In the United States, five thousand dollars is given out weekly to women who submit their name to Avon. The compa ny chooses people with ideas, projects, or programs that empower women and improves society. Each country where funds are received have set up their own guidelines unique to their culture (â€Å"Avon Hello Tomorrow Fund†). The re-branding strategy Avon used with the Hello Tomorrow campaign is listed as an opportunity on the company’s SWOT Analysis dated June 18, 2008. One of Avon’s biggest threats is their competition; L’Oreal, Revlon, Procter Gamble and Estee Lauder are all waiting in the wings for Avon to stumble. From the time the Hello Tomorrow campaign rolled out until the time the 2008 SWOT analysis was compiled, Avon had a sixteen percent growth in profit from their Color Line and a twenty percent growth in their fragrance line (Avon Products, Inc. SWOT Analysis 2008). Now that CEO Andrea Jung restructured the management team, those at the higher levels are closer to both representatives and the market; they believe that this will help them keep a handle on this ever changing business. Andrea stated that â€Å"We now manage this business for the long term and make the decisions not just for the next quarter but for what is good for the business in the long term,† (Creed and Laichas). Avon’s next global launch will be for a new fragrance, Bond Girl 007, which they have teamed up with James Bond entertainment franchise to develop, it will be released October of 2008 (Avon Products, Inc. SWOT Analysis 2008).